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Dedicated to the Advancement of Funeral Service Education
The fundamental purpose of the Funeral Service Education Resource Center is to improve the delivery of all elements associated with funeral service education. Central to this mission is the development of high quality textbooks. Our goal is to publish textbooks that adhere to the highest of standards with respect to content knowledge, yet are presented in a fashion that is reader friendly. Currently available: Fires of Change: A Comprehensive Examination of Cremation,2nd ed., One World: Sociology & Funeral Service, Types of Funeral Services and Ceremonies, 2nd ed, The Art of Facial Reconstruction, 2nd ed., Fundamentals of Funeral Directing: Building A Professional Cornerstone, Prepare to Succeed: A Collaborative Collection of Questions to Test Funeral Service Knowledge, The Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying, 2nd ed, Restorative Art: Foundation & Practice, Pathology and Microbiology for Mortuary Science, 2nd ed. & Gross Human Anatomy for Funeral Service Students.